Advertising that matters.
AdvertiZing Academy.
A modern and alternative advertising company created by five passionate and ambitious gen-Z women.
ambition, creativity, exclusiveness 
We are a start-up advertising and creative company based in Athens, Greece. Our vision is to create personalised advertising plans and services based on client's needs and desires. Five gen-Z women with the same vision of designing a digital company while also being aware of the environmental crisis since as Gen Z co-founders it is one of our biggest responsibilities. The use of eco-friendly products is our priority. Our goal is to provide individualized services to our costumers from our qualified personnel.
Our services
Trust the credibility and reputation of your business to AdvertiZing Academy
Why choose us?

We believe that in today’s demanding society authenticity is one of the most important values, as many people sacrifice quality in the altar of profit. We promise to be authentic and honest.

We respect our clients’ privacy and promote products that we truly believe to be worthy.

We believe in evolving and bettering ourselves rather than bringing others down. We accept the critisism and promote only healthy competition. Last but not least, we are friendly and co-operative. 

By Rachel Botsman 
What is trust? 
"Trust is a confident relationship to the unknown" -Rachel Botsman 
A great inspiration to our company has been the author Rachel Botsman, who has shared her secrets about trust and how it is gained.
Taking trust leaps, would be the first step in the long journey of building trust. Trust needs patience and time but most importanly it needs risks. People subconsciously are taking risks all the time, and that is what Rachel encourages people to do. 
Stop, think, ask questions. 
Effieciency might be sufficient for a short amount of time but in the long run, what is also crucial is consistency
Improvising, suggesting new ideas and always thinking forward. 
Our contacts
All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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